On a different note, I was rummaging around at Value Village the other day and came away with 3 Issey Miyake patterns for a mere 69 cents a piece! O marvelous day! Two of them I'll probably put up on eBay but the last one, now OOP is the same one I lost a bid on a few weeks ago:

God, I love that coat! I also love this beautiful black cherry colored silk taffeta I've been eyeing from Silk Baron:
slobber slobber drool.
I had a few problems finding just the right lining for the Issey Miyake Futon coat I've been slogging over for the past few weeks and finally decided to order some habotai silk and silk paints from Dharma Trading so I could get exactly the colors I wanted and do a little salt technique on it...should be working on that this weekend. The biggest bugaboo is fabricating a silk steamer so I can set the silk paints into the silk, but there's good directions for a down and dirty silk steamer on Dharma Trading's website.
Thank you for your visit! I will visit you often, now that I've found out your blog!
Welcome Tany! I am so inspired by your wonderful creations - are you one of the 9 muses in real life? :)
Hi Annika, what a lucky lady you are to find 3 oop Miyake patterns.
And the right lining fabric for the other futon coat you are making.
I remember your Jacobean jacket from your visit back in 2006.Great find on the tapestry fabric which saves you a lot of hours doing embroidery. Hope to see your version of this jacket when it is done.
i have that coat nearly finished (um, it's been nearly finished for at least ~cough cough~ 6 years ~cough cough~. all it needs is the belt and some buttons/buttonholes. it's really cool.
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