Monday, September 24, 2012
One Word: Digital Publishing. Oh Okay, That's Two Words...
This week I am embarking on a new certificate program at the University of Washington. This one is in Digital Publishing and lasts three terms (a full school year). I know some of the information covered in this course already, but there are gaps in my knowledge about certain processes and it's those gaps I want to fill. Like marketing, e-publishing formats, and scrounging up creative help.
I love the idea of writing and creating eBooks of my crafty projects, but I want to branch out into producing craft eBooks for other artists. And I'm thinking of expanding my publishing services to include other types of non-fiction like self-help books. Then fictional pieces, maybe short stories or anthologies.
I see all of this as a natural segue from hard-core corporate IT to publishing the kind of artistic content I'm keen on exploring.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Happy Equinox, Katzenjammer Kids!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Steampunk Tempest Regie Buch
During my first term at Stony Brook University I was tasked with creating a Regie Buch of a show I would like to direct. The first play that came to mind was a sort of Lolita Goth version of Middleton's The Changeling, but then, after much thought about the impracticality of transposing a Jacobean Revenge Tragedy to a Lolita Goth setting and how it would seem ludicrous and funny looking to an audience unfamiliar with that odd assortment of fashion statements, I landed upon a Steampunk version of The Tempest.
A Regie Buch is a director's book chock full of visual and literary notes on a project; it will include things like French scenes, phrased scenes and a spreadsheet breakdown of scenes, special effects, audio effects, lighting notes and other technical considerations. Here's a sample of a phrased scene - all technical theatrical stuff I might pontificate upon at a later date.
A Regie Buch can be used to show designers where you want to go visually with your production and sets the tone of the play.
It can also include breakdowns of characters. Here are collages of what I thought was going on in Prospero's mind:
Here were my thoughts on some of the rest of the characters: Ariel, Miranda, Caliban, Fernando, Gonzalo and the drunkards.

I also included ideas for set design and costumes. I thought it would be cool to have a ship that broke away as it was being destroyed by the tempest.

And on the inside of the back of the notebook cover...
A Regie Buch is a director's book chock full of visual and literary notes on a project; it will include things like French scenes, phrased scenes and a spreadsheet breakdown of scenes, special effects, audio effects, lighting notes and other technical considerations. Here's a sample of a phrased scene - all technical theatrical stuff I might pontificate upon at a later date.
A Regie Buch can be used to show designers where you want to go visually with your production and sets the tone of the play.
It can also include breakdowns of characters. Here are collages of what I thought was going on in Prospero's mind:
Here were my thoughts on some of the rest of the characters: Ariel, Miranda, Caliban, Fernando, Gonzalo and the drunkards.
I also included ideas for set design and costumes. I thought it would be cool to have a ship that broke away as it was being destroyed by the tempest.

And on the inside of the back of the notebook cover...
Return to "This is Stonehenge"

It started innocently enough. A group of Mini Cooper enthusiasts getting together on a Saturday morning in July to take a drive together down to the Columbia Gorge.
At the meet up location we all ooohed and ahhhed over each other's Minis. I particularly fell in love with a Mini that changed colors! In the morning it was a warm, coppery, cognac-y brown...
But by the afternoon, it had turned a mossy green...
We drove highways I'd never been on before...
and arrived mid afternoon at the Stonehenge Memorial at Maryhill on the Columbia Gorge. Of course, we had to celebrate with a picture of our precious babies lined up all purdy-like around Stonehenge (obviously!)
The Maryhill Stonehenge is a memorial to the soldiers who fell during the Great War. Sizewise, it is a full-sized, astronomically correct replica of the original on the Salisbury Plain.
The Columbia River (called the Columbia Gorge here) is the demarkation point between Washington and Oregon; that's Oregon on the far bank.
It's an area of Washington State that is high desert, and a perfect location for wind turbines. I love wind turbines. I know whatshisname Trump hates 'em, but I love 'em.
Here's the Stonehenge Memorial from an adjacent bluff at 6 a.m. the next morning. Glorious!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Dizzy Bizzy Because I'm Made of Crazy, That's Why
Oh God Almighty, I've been bizzy bizzy bizzy these past few weeks working on a possible book project. I've pretty much finished the book proposal and am now playing catch up getting pictures shot of some of the projects for the book.
I've been creating prototypes of shoes, hats, purses, faery wings and my brain is swimming with details of such. I find myself doodling ideas on envelopes, receipts, paper bags and napkins, anything papery, actually, as I muddle through this process.
The Antiques Roadshow videotaped their Seattle show here in August. I went with my friend Katharine who is a hella-great Calligrapher. Participants were allowed two objects each: Here's one of mine, an Art Nouveau amphora vase brought over from Odense, Denmark by my grandmother when she moved to America in 1919.
Yes, that's me, the pudgy one...
The appraiser loved it and said she thought it might be Austrian, possibly from the Tepplitz-Turn area of Bohemia. I thought the bloom on the front of my vase might possibly be a poppy seeing how it might have been manufactured during the Great War. She suggested I research it further. I did so and now think it isn't Austrian, but Swedish, made by the Rorstrand company. There's a book out by Bengt Nystrom and the book's cover has a vase with a similarly-shaped opening.
On an unrelated note, we held a yard sale this weekend to get rid of clutter, make a few bucks and meet lots of neighbors and local folks. Luckily, a lady who runs a second-hand store that gives all its proceeds to feed homeless children stopped by and offered to take whatever we didn't sell for her shop. She was a Godsend because I was dreading the idea of having to load up both Mini Coopers with stuff to take over to the Goodwill in Monroe after our sale. She showed up at around 5 p.m. with a big truck and hauled it all off! Whew! A total win-win situation because that stuff was NOT coming back inside the house. Nope. Never. Finito.
I've been creating prototypes of shoes, hats, purses, faery wings and my brain is swimming with details of such. I find myself doodling ideas on envelopes, receipts, paper bags and napkins, anything papery, actually, as I muddle through this process.
The Antiques Roadshow videotaped their Seattle show here in August. I went with my friend Katharine who is a hella-great Calligrapher. Participants were allowed two objects each: Here's one of mine, an Art Nouveau amphora vase brought over from Odense, Denmark by my grandmother when she moved to America in 1919.
Yes, that's me, the pudgy one...
The appraiser loved it and said she thought it might be Austrian, possibly from the Tepplitz-Turn area of Bohemia. I thought the bloom on the front of my vase might possibly be a poppy seeing how it might have been manufactured during the Great War. She suggested I research it further. I did so and now think it isn't Austrian, but Swedish, made by the Rorstrand company. There's a book out by Bengt Nystrom and the book's cover has a vase with a similarly-shaped opening.
On an unrelated note, we held a yard sale this weekend to get rid of clutter, make a few bucks and meet lots of neighbors and local folks. Luckily, a lady who runs a second-hand store that gives all its proceeds to feed homeless children stopped by and offered to take whatever we didn't sell for her shop. She was a Godsend because I was dreading the idea of having to load up both Mini Coopers with stuff to take over to the Goodwill in Monroe after our sale. She showed up at around 5 p.m. with a big truck and hauled it all off! Whew! A total win-win situation because that stuff was NOT coming back inside the house. Nope. Never. Finito.
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