Well, the big day came and went.

Friends dropped by to offer their best wishes: Guy (pronounced "Ghee") Hotersund, the third, from Project Runway VI was quite snippy (and
fierce) as he sized everyone up!
Mili-tarie Antoinette came by brandishing her rifle to proclaim "Let them eat lead!"

My sister-in-law's gorgeous Art Deco tassel doll in progress.

Linda S. and JoAnn knocked themselves out preparing the house and food. JoAnn's mom helped by making the Art Deco tassel doll bodies. Scraps of brocades, silks and velvets were laid out in pleasing palettes for the dolls' garments. Both "Guy" and I were pressed into service sewing bits of doll clothes on the Featherweight and Serger for other guests. I am still sore from running up and down the stairs at least 30 times, retrieving scissors, pattern pieces, etc. And wouldn't you know it another birthday surprise:

Muchas gracias! I nominate:
TiniMariaKarinLindaKnotGypsyDeepikaSewing ChickNanflanLauraAnn