Oh Christ God do I have hay fever! I'm stuffy, bloated and prone to fits of sneezing like you would not believe. That has not stopped me from sewing, though. I'm working on the Hong Kong Vest and just finished the Marci Tilton Vogue 8397 pants. Did I follow the directions? Heavens, no! Did I even follow the pattern exactly? No, I tell you, no!

I used the pattern for view C, which is only two pieces. The front and the back halves are the same piece. You're supposed to create three long darts at the sides and I did so , but was unimpressed with the look of it. I was too lazy to take them back out again. I think the side darts add to the "Size E for Enormous" look, but that's okay with me. We have a saying "There's enough blue in the sky to make a Dutchman's britches" I think these pants bring that to reality; here they are, made from patches of blue in the sky. (I hope I am not offending any of my friends and relatives from the Netherlands, it is a quaint saying probably thought up by Netherlanders who moved to the States a century ago. Like my grandfather.)Actually, I used a lovely blue checked poly I found at fashion fabrics club.
I recently found a whole slew of Flair pens! Whoo hoo! So what, you say. I remember when Flair pens were all the rage in the early 70's and I loved them for creating strange, overtly colorful sketches of hippies wearing psychedelic bellbottoms and doves flying over rainbows...I'll see if I can dig one out of the Annika archives...